Are These Unconscious Behaviors Ruling Your Life?When I first encountered the term ‘feminine conditioning’ a few years ago it burst through my consciousness like a beam of light. I heard...
STOP Waiting for WorthinessWomen have a tendency to tie their self-worth to their achievements, which holds them back. Almost every day, I hear a version of one of...
Making People Comfortable is Not Your JobOne of the gifts of feminine intuition is that many women possess the ability to read situations and people. This can be helpful at work,...
13 Ways I’ve Benefited from Being a White WomanPrivilege, in the context of race, refers to unearned benefits that we receive from our culture. Privilege is not about having money or...
For the Women Who Don't Like WomenI used to be one of the boys. When I say that, I don't mean that I was a tomboy, far from it. I grew up loving Barbies, bangles and...
Setting boundaries without feeling like a jerkI used to hate the word boundaries. For the longest time, I thought of the people who talked about ‘setting boundaries’ as uptight...
Letting Good Enough be Good EnoughThere's been a fair amount of attention given to the topic of perfectionism and women over the past several years. It seems, however,...
How Are You 'Packaging' Your Life?Many of us, women in particular, feel the pressure to “have it all.” We want to be effective at work, at home and everywhere in between....