This week, I'm talking with the multi-talented Tracie Nichols about getting older in our ageist culture and how to become a Rebel Crone.
About Tracie
Tracie Nichols is a business coach, aromatherapist, poet and rebel crone. Quietly fierce and offbeat with a predilection for puns (the worse, the better), she knows - in her bones - that if sensitive, introverted, aging women can shovel themselves out from under the crap the culture’s been tossing their way for millennia, they’ll rediscover the power of how they perceive the world, to change that world.
Based among oaks and sycamores and a red sandstone-bottomed stream in the northeastern U.S, Tracie brings her unique perspective of being a highly sensitive, introverted, and multipotentialed crone to helping women like her through the wild and unpredictable borderlands of the deep change of life and business transitions.
Founder of tracienichols.com, Essential Now, and Rebel Crone Rising, contributor for Kind Over Matter, Journey of the Heart: Women’s Spiritual Poetry, and The Tattooed Buddha.
Tracie has a Masters Degree in Transformative Learning emphasizing Human and Organizational Transformation, is an Integrative Aromatherapy Certified aromatherapist with 30 years experience, a Certified Career Services Provider, published poet, and a hard-core, tree-hugging, Gaia-loving, wise-woman wild child.
Follow Tracie:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracietnichols/
Resources from the episode: